Emptiness: Lenten Gold
There's empty and then there's empty. One emptiness leads to death and the other leads to life. Today's episode focuses on a certain woman who emptied herself at the feet of Jesus and found that she was filled with more than she'd ever imagined.
She carried the burden of her sin to him, but she carried so much more as well. She carried her worldly possessions, her pride, her reputation, her desire for approval and acceptance, her future, her past, her love, her pain. She carried whatever a human soul contains and she emptied herself of all of it, laying it down at his feet and at his mercy. She realized, for the first time in her life, that she was face-to-face with the one Person who she could trust with all of herself. He sees it all – what makes her worthy and worthless. Even with this knowledge, he welcomes her, he allows for intimacy, he responds to her tears and her touch. At his feet, she knew she could not – and would not – hold anything back.