Prepare for Battle: Lenten Gold

Today’s episode will focus on the spiritual battle Christ faced in the days leading up to his death and on the battle we, as his people, continue to face in this world. Often, we frame our spiritual struggles in terms of US versus the evil in the WORLD or US versus our sinful FLESH. Indeed, many of our battles do take place in those realms; however, there is a third, and significant, battleground that Jesus faced and that we do as well. The uncomfortable truth is that the Bible makes clear that there is are actual evil forces, known as demons and Satan, working against God’s encroaching kingdom at all times.

Many of us avoid this aspect of our faith if we can help it because, quite simply, it sounds silly. To an outsider examining Christianity, the notion of demonic and angelic beings existent in an unseen spiritual realm who meddle with the lives of humankind is absolutely absurd. Even to many Christians, who have already taken the leap of belief in an unseen cosmic God and a virgin birth and a resurrection from the dead, find it hard to incorporate an understanding of evil spiritual forces into a workable, every day faith. Yet, the Bible reiterates the reality of an unseen realm that has influence over the seen world in which we live.

Today's episode will focus on the spiritual battle Christ faced in the days leading up to his death and on the battle we, as his people, continue to face in this world. Often, we frame our spiritual struggles in terms of US versus the evil in the WORLD or US versus our sinful FLESH.

Amber Jones