Posts in Women's Issues
Helper or Mighty Sustainer?

Perhaps one of the most ill-used words in Christianity comes from the phrase ezer kenegdo. This episode focuses on the true meaning of this phrase and its implications for the purpose of woman.

"Resurrecting the true meaning of ezer, therefore, is not about feminism or some silly notion of girl power. It’s not about claiming what’s rightfully ours as women or exalting ourselves as stronger than men. Laying hold of the powerful purpose of womankind is about the Christian mandate to live out the Kingdom of God, as much as possible, here and now – on this earth as it is in heaven."

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Yes, Wives Can Be Objectified Too!

When we hear the term female objectification we probably immediately think of nearly -naked swimsuit models or some pop-star on stage shaking every inch of what the good Lord gave her. I’m contending, though, that wives can be objectified too. Female objectification should conjure images of a bride on her wedding day and a mom in the carpool line as well because these kinds of every day women are being objectified in their marriages, families and churches daily.

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